Characterize your new mold and process
Intelligent Experiment Manager

Bringing Mold Trials to a new Level with OSPHIM
Pros & Cons of different Mold Trial Strategies
Expert Knowledge
Design of Experiments
Operators use their theoretical and process knowledge to trial a mold
Simulation programs are used to calculate the first setting parameter combinations
A structured test plan is designed and executed
No additional resources needed
Highly automatable
Reproducible Trial Quality
Depends on the person
Very specific knowledge necessary
Objective Optimization possible
Hardly ever optimal
Never accurate in the real process
Automate with OSPHIM!

Structured Experiment Planning
Design Your Process Tests Efficiently with the OSPHIM-App
✓ Set up systematic trials with defined variables
✓ Controlled and data-driven experimentation.
✓ Many presets and configuration support
How it looks like at the machine

Preparation for AI-model training
Collecting data means preparing for the application of dedicated process models to optimize your setting parameters.
✓ All data combined
✓ No time needed for preprocessing
✓ Directly apply OSPHIM’s AI models

Automated Data Collection & Analysis
Measure everything that matters to your process and parts and draw insights from the analysis
✓ Automatically log Process and Quality Data
✓ Annotate cycle information directly
✓ Share tasks with Quality Control while working in the same App
Intelligent Mold Trials
Our most advanced features presents you with AI-driven realtime suggestions for Process Optimization
- Digital Companion for your Mold Trial Phase
- Interactively minimize the time-to-production for your new processes
- Obtain automatically generated insights, such as main and interaction effects

Become an Expert

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